Monday, December 16, 2013

Mobile Soon

may or may not post

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Having Kids or Not

I would, but I think since I wanna be famous I can't, not now at least, see if things change.

How It Could Work

I could get my dad on a rapport.

Also, I got the strange image with me as the opposite of my brother that he wants to justify to me about that.

What It Was

I think people figured my dad was too testy for a young girl.  He might try to stimulate my future daughter.  I don't know if I'd leave my kids with him but would with my husband.


This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for Nell Burton.


Britney Spears has big brown eyes, and that's the "what" of her singing.  She just hides her true desires.


Everyone is getting mad at me for how they treat me, like when they are more casual and lenient with me emotionally.. they literally come back and grab at you.


I'm serious, I was thinking and hearing things like my dad wants my future daughter to like him in the exact same way I think my son will.  My son I want to have a special thing because he's a boy.  My daugther will like him and probably will be more delicate.

My Forum

It's being edited. Sadly, it deleted my past posts when I rearranged the board diagram.

1 Reason to M..

You're in a high position and lonely or you are in a low position with no one to comfort you.


To my Blogger audience, it seems that living with your earliest relatives is the only way people won't have abused you.