Friday, December 27, 2013

The Perfect Family

There was a dude named Brian and a lady named Kerrie.  They had a son named Eiffel and a younger daughter named Francie.  They were English and Russian but lived in central California.

The Family's Portrait
Brian had light brown hair and blue eyes and stood in back with his wife.  The son was a sportin' American.  He had light brown hair and round, blue eyes.  The young girl was with her mother, and she had .. oh, the mother was an attractive brunette..  The daughter had brown or green eyes (like I know about) and her hair was black or brown with a flash of light in it.

So, Francie had a friend she adored so much named Chloe.  She was so happy to get a chance to hang.

Francie had another friend named Mammie, and they were like best friends.

Francie also babysitted a girl named Jackie.

1 day, Jackie fainted in Francie's lap, and she said oh somebody help!  Help she got.  Mamma picked her up comfortably and took her home.

There was a witch in town named Christina.  She had curly black hair and brown eyes with some green in them.  A guy named Pirelli was there, and the witch was already onto him.  They exchanged gestures and revolved around and faced the crowd.  She spoke of what lay beyond and offered her powers.

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